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A rich maritime

From workboats to Walk-to-Work

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Acta Marine was
founded in 2005

The merger of Waterweg and Van Stee Offshore in 2005 formed Acta Marine, combining expertise and workboats. This led to a global leadership position in coastal and shallow draft workboats. Acta Marine pioneered dynamic positioning systems on workboats: a world’s first.

International expansion in the years after took Acta Marine workboats to the far corners of the world.

as of 2015

The birth of Walk-to-Work

Acta Marine saw the potential of the offshore wind market early and adopted an aggressive expansion strategy. In 2015, we acquired ten Crew Transfer Vessels and introduced Acta Orion, one of the first purpose-built offshore Walk-to-Work vessels. It marked a significant investment milestone.

With successful operations and growing track record, Acta Marine decided to order two purpose-built Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessels, which resulted in the delivery of the Acta Auriga in 2018 and Acta Centaurus in 2019.

history, acta marine workboats, csov

of Workboats

By the end of 2023, Jifmar Offshore Services and Acta Marine concluded an agreement where Jifmar acquired all of Acta Marine’s workboat activities. This acquisition included all 26 workboats, their crews, the Netherlands-based organisation, and all existing contracts.


In 2021 and 2022 Acta Marine ordered four new SX216 Construction Service Operating Vessels from Tersan Shipyard in Turkey.

These vessels will be dual-fuel methanol and MDO powered. Two of the four vessels have been awarded a long-term O&M contract by RWE to operate on the UK offshore wind farms Sofia and Triton Knoll. The new CSOVs will be added to the fleet in 2025.

Acta Marine throughout the years