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Acta Marine’s latest news

acta pegasus, france, french flag, acta marineNewsFrance: New build vessel to be delivered under French flag
June 24, 2024

France: New build vessel to be delivered under French flag

France: New build vessel to be delivered under French flag 24 June 2024 | Reading time 4 minutes Montoir-de-Bretagne, France – Acta Marine, a leading owner and operator of (Construction)…
jifmar, workboats acta marine, jifmar offshoreNewsJifmar to acquire all workboat activities from Acta Marine
December 11, 2023

Jifmar to acquire all workboat activities from Acta Marine

Jifmar to acquire all workboat activities from Acta Marine 11 December 2023 | Reading time 4 minutes Jifmar Offshore Services and Acta Marine have concluded an agreement where Jifmar will…
ulstein, methanol fuel, csovNewsUlstein designs two more methanol fuelled CSOVs for Acta Marine
June 8, 2023

Ulstein designs two more methanol fuelled CSOVs for Acta Marine

Ulstein designs two more methanol fuelled CSOVs for Acta Marine 8 June 2023  | Reading time 8 minutes Ulstein Design & Solutions AS has signed a contract with Tersan Shipyard…
french subsidiary, acta. marine france, montoirNewsActa Marine establishes French subsidiary and opens new office
May 9, 2023

Acta Marine establishes French subsidiary and opens new office

Acta Marine establishes French subsidiary and opens new office 9 May 2023 | Reading time 6 minutes Montoir-de-Bretagne, France - Acta Marine, a leading owner and operator of offshore service…
rwe, rob boer, thomas michel, acta marine, new sovsNewsRWE and Acta Marine sign agreement for ‘green’ fuel service operation vessels
April 27, 2023

RWE and Acta Marine sign agreement for ‘green’ fuel service operation vessels

RWE and Acta Marine sign agreement for ‘green’ fuel service operation vessels 27 April 2023 | Reading time 10 minutes The agreement, for 2 x SX216 class dual fuel methanol…
steel cutting, acta marine new vessel, methanol-poweredNewsAnother steel cutting ceremony for a second CSOV
April 6, 2023

Another steel cutting ceremony for a second CSOV

Another steel cutting ceremony for a second CSOV 6 April 2023  | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine and Tersan Shipyard have celebrated the steel cutting of NB1121, the second…
sustainability, sustainable vessel acta marine, carbon footprint, methanol-powered, german north seaNewsActa Marine secures SOV contract in German North Sea
February 17, 2023

Acta Marine secures SOV contract in German North Sea

Acta Marine secures SOV contract in German North Sea 17 February 2023 | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine has emerged as the winner of a tender to provide a…
steel cutting, tersan shipyard, methanol-powered vesselNewsSteel cutting ceremony next CSOV at Tersan Shipyard
January 18, 2023

Steel cutting ceremony next CSOV at Tersan Shipyard

Steel cutting ceremony next CSOV at Tersan Shipyard 18 January 2023 | Reading time 5 minutes The steel cutting ceremony is the official kick-off for the construction of the first…
acta marine, walk to work, fécamp, calvados, offshore wind farmNewsActa Auriga to assist in the commissioning of Fécamp & Calvados wind farms
June 23, 2022

Acta Auriga to assist in the commissioning of Fécamp & Calvados wind farms

Acta Auriga to assist in the commissioning of Fécamp & Calvados wind farms 23 June 2022 | Reading time 6 minutes Acta Marine announced it has signed a contract for…
methanol powered, csovs, sustainable shipping acta marineNewsActa Marine orders two next generation methanol powered CSOVs
June 14, 2022

Acta Marine orders two next generation methanol powered CSOVs

Acta Marine orders two next generation methanol powered CSOVs 14 June 2022 | Reading time 6 minutes Acta Marine has signed a contract for the construction of two next generation…
ge renewable energy, saint nazaireNewsGE Renewable Energy and Acta Marine sign contract for Service Operation Vessel
September 22, 2021

GE Renewable Energy and Acta Marine sign contract for Service Operation Vessel

GE Renewable Energy and Acta Marine sign contract for Service Operation Vessel 22 September 2021 | Reading time 6 minutes The Service Operation Vessel will support the GE Wind Turbines Mechanical…
strategic co-owner, csov, sovNewsActa Marine seeks strategic co-owner to further grow offshore wind business
April 28, 2021

Acta Marine seeks strategic co-owner to further grow offshore wind business

Acta Marine seeks strategic co-owner to further grow offshore wind business 28 April 2021 | Reading time 5 minutes Acta Marine is experiencing strong growth in the offshore wind market…
acta auriga, acta marine vessel, walk to work vessel, csov, bard offshoreNewsActa Auriga successfully completed the Bard Offshore project
April 7, 2021

Acta Auriga successfully completed the Bard Offshore project

Acta Auriga successfully completed the Bard Offshore project 7 April 2021 | Reading time 3 minutes Today Acta Marine completed its 3-year maintenance campaign for Ocean Breeze on the Bard…
NewsActa Marine France opens a new office in Saint-Nazaire
January 7, 2021

Acta Marine France opens a new office in Saint-Nazaire

Acta Marine France opens a new office in Saint-Nazaire 7 January 2021 | Reading time 3 minutes In support of the growing Offshore Wind requirements in France is Acta Marine…
about acta marine, walk to work, offshore winter workability, offshore operational advisory systemNewsOffshore Operational Advisory System
November 10, 2020

Offshore Operational Advisory System

Offshore Operational Advisory System 10 November 2020 | Reading time 5 minutes Acta Marine is involved in the Offshore Operational Advisory System (OOAS) joint industry project. This project aims to…
relay race, borsseleNewsRelay Race on Borssele offshore wind farms
May 29, 2020

Relay Race on Borssele offshore wind farms

Relay Race on Borssele offshore wind farms 29 May 2020 | Reading time 4 minutes Last week, Acta Marine’s Walk to Work vessels Acta Centaurus and Acta Orion have completed…
mhi vestasNewsActa Marine and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind signed CP for Acta Centaurus
December 23, 2019

Acta Marine and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind signed CP for Acta Centaurus

Acta Marine and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind signed CP for Acta Centaurus 23 December 2019  | Reading time 4 minutes On Tuesday November 26th, during the Wind Europe Offshore exhibition…
acta centaurus, acta marine vessels, walk to work, csov, hospitality at sea, offshore wind farm, enhanced fuel efficiencyNewsEnhanced fuel efficiency and sustainability for Acta Centaurus
August 8, 2019

Enhanced fuel efficiency and sustainability for Acta Centaurus

Enhanced fuel efficiency and sustainability for Acta Centaurus 8 August 2019  | Reading time 4 minutes Wärtsilä hybrid propulsion will enhance fuel efficiency and sustainability of Construction Support Vessel Acta…
third walk-to-workNewsActa Marine named its third Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessel
May 22, 2019

Acta Marine named its third Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessel

Acta Marine named its third Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessel 22 May 2019 | Reading time 6 minutes Wednesday May 22nd, Mrs. Marianne van Oord named the vessel Acta Centaurus. Centaurus…
acta centaurus, walk to work vessel, dp2, ulstein verftNewsActa Centaurus off to work after delivery from Ulstein Verft
April 30, 2019

Acta Centaurus off to work after delivery from Ulstein Verft

Acta Centaurus off to work after delivery from Ulstein Verft 30 April 2019 | Reading time 6 minutes Acta Marine’s newbuild Walk-to-Work vessel Acta Centaurus has been delivered from Ulstein…
NewsIn two months, these will be out sailing on the ‘Acta Centaurus’
February 21, 2019

In two months, these will be out sailing on the ‘Acta Centaurus’

In two months, these will be out sailing on the ‘Acta Centaurus’ 21 February 2019 | Reading time 10 minutes In a little more than two months, the next offshore…
final phase, acta centaurus, vessel constructionNewsActa Centaurus arrived at Ulsteinvik for final phase
December 10, 2018

Acta Centaurus arrived at Ulsteinvik for final phase

Acta Centaurus arrived at Ulsteinvik for final phase 10 December 2018 | Reading time 5 minutes Acta Marine and Ulstein Verft are pleased to announce that the Ulstein SX195 hull…
acta marine reveals name, acta centaurus, vessel acta marineNewsActa Marine reveals the name of their third Walk-to-Work vessel
September 13, 2018

Acta Marine reveals the name of their third Walk-to-Work vessel

Acta Marine reveals the name of their third Walk-to-Work vessel 13 September 2018  | Reading time 5 minutes The construction of Acta Marine’s third walk-to-work vessel and second Ulstein SX195…
second walk-to-work, construction support vessel, acta marine fleet, acta aurigaNewsActa Marine named its second Walk-to-Work Support Vessel
June 20, 2018

Acta Marine named its second Walk-to-Work Support Vessel

Acta Marine named its second Walk-to-Work Support Vessel 20 June 2018 | Reading time 4 minutes Wednesday 20 June, godmother Mrs. Ingelore Hering of the Lower Saxony Ministry for the…
NewsBARD Offshore 1: ‘Acta Auriga’ boosts service and maintenance
May 15, 2018

BARD Offshore 1: ‘Acta Auriga’ boosts service and maintenance

BARD Offshore 1: 'Acta Auriga' boosts service and maintenance 15 May 2018 | Reading time 8 minutes As of May 9, 2018, Ocean Breeze Energy (OBE) deployed a new Walk-to-Work…
acta auriga, early delivery, walk to workNewsEarly delivery of the Acta Auriga from Ulstein Verft
March 29, 2018

Early delivery of the Acta Auriga from Ulstein Verft

Early delivery of the Acta Auriga from Ulstein Verft 29 March 2018 | Reading time 7 minutes Acta Marine’s newbuild Walk-to-Work vessel Acta Auriga, was delivered from Ulstein Verft on…
merkur, tideway, deme group, acta orionNewsW2W vessel Acta Orion to support Tideway B.V. at Merkur OWF
March 28, 2018

W2W vessel Acta Orion to support Tideway B.V. at Merkur OWF

W2W vessel Acta Orion to support Tideway B.V. at Merkur OWF 28 March 2018 | Reading time 2 minutes Acta Marine has recently been awarded a contract to assist Tideway…
acta auriga, early delivery, ulstein, sea trialsNewsActa Marine’s newbuild successfully completed sea trials
March 21, 2018

Acta Marine’s newbuild successfully completed sea trials

Acta Marine’s newbuild successfully completed sea trials 21 March 2018 | Reading time 6 minutes The SOV Walk-to-Work vessel Acta Auriga, currently under construction at Ulstein Verft, Norway, has successfully…
second w2wNewsActa Marine contracts second W2W CSV from Ulstein
February 6, 2018

Acta Marine contracts second W2W CSV from Ulstein

Acta Marine contracts second W2W CSV from Ulstein 6 February 2018 | Reading time 12 minutes Acta Marine, with an offshore Walk-to-Work vessel under construction at Ulstein Verft, has now…
acta marine sov, bard offshore, ocean breeze energyNewsHere’s why the Acta Marine SOV was preferred for BARD Offshore 1
February 2, 2018

Here’s why the Acta Marine SOV was preferred for BARD Offshore 1

Here's why the Acta Marine SOV was preferred for BARD Offshore 1 2 February 2018  | Reading time 10 minutes Acta Auriga, under construction at Ulstein Verft, was recently contracted…
bard offshore 1, acta auriga, acta marine offshore windNewsActa Auriga to engage in Bard Offshore 1
January 26, 2018

Acta Auriga to engage in Bard Offshore 1

Acta Auriga to engage in Bard Offshore 1 26 January 2018 | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine has recently been awarded a contract by Ocean Breeze Energy GmbH (OBE),…
acta auriga, ulsteinvik, ulstein verft, construction acta marineNewsActa Auriga arrived at Ulsteinvik for final construction phase
November 16, 2017

Acta Auriga arrived at Ulsteinvik for final construction phase

Acta Auriga arrived at Ulsteinvik for final construction phase 16 November 2017 | Reading time 10 minutes Acta Marine and Ulstein Verft gladly announce that the Ulstein SX195 hull of…
new build, new vessel acta marine, acta aurigaNewsActa Marine reveals name of their new build
September 12, 2017

Acta Marine reveals name of their new build

Acta Marine reveals name of their new build 12 September 2017 | Reading time 8 minutes Acta Marine reveals stellar name of their new build DP2 Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessel.…
poland, crist shipyard, acta aurigaNewsActa Marine’s W2W vessel halfway hull steel construction in Poland
July 27, 2017

Acta Marine’s W2W vessel halfway hull steel construction in Poland

Acta Marine’s W2W vessel halfway hull steel construction in Poland 27 July 2017 | Reading time 7 minutes Acta Marine’s new build Ulstein SX195 Walk-to-Work vessel’s hull construction passed the…
dong race bank, siemens, acta orion, acta marine offshoreNewsActa Orion working for Siemens on DONG Race Bank UK
July 20, 2017

Acta Orion working for Siemens on DONG Race Bank UK

Acta Orion working for Siemens on DONG Race Bank UK 20 July 2017 | Reading time 6 minutes Acta Marine’s Walk-to-Work Construction Support Vessel Acta Orion is carrying out accommodation…
wind vessel, acta orion, rob boer, acta marine, ulsteinNewsActa Marine contracts Ulstein for wind vessel
January 24, 2017

Acta Marine contracts Ulstein for wind vessel

Acta Marine contracts Ulstein for wind vessel 24 January 2017 | Reading time 12 minutes Ulstein Verft AS has signed a contract for the building of a DP2 Construction Support…
acta orion, gemini, gemini windpark, acta marine offshoreNewsActa Orion active in Gemini development
January 21, 2016

Acta Orion active in Gemini development

Acta Orion active in Gemini development 21 January 2016 | Reading time 5 minutes Our latest Wind Farm Offshore Support Vessel Acta Orion, christened in October 2015, has started its…
maritime holland, acta orion, acta marine magazineNewsActa Marine featured in Maritime Holland
December 21, 2015

Acta Marine featured in Maritime Holland

Acta Marine featured in Maritime Holland 21 December 2015 | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine was featured in the eight edition of the Maritime Holland magazine. The article discusses…
christening acta orion, cig shipbuilding, new vessel acta marineNewsChristening Acta Orion
October 23, 2015

Christening Acta Orion

Christening Acta Orion 23 October 2015 | Reading time 8 minutes Acta Marine and CIG shipbuilding are proud to announce that the new build construction support vessel of the Dutch…
management board, rob boer, van oord, acta marine managing directorNewsExpansion of the Management Board Acta Marine
September 15, 2015

Expansion of the Management Board Acta Marine

Expansion of the Management Board Acta Marine 15 September 2015 | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine is pleased to announce that, end of September, Rob Boer will join the…
acta orion, construction, acta marine fleet, cig shipbuildingNewsUpdate on Acta Orion
June 8, 2015

Update on Acta Orion

Update on Acta Orion 8 June 2015 | Reading time 4 minutes CIG Shipbuilding has been working on the construction of the Acta Orion. After a year of steelwork, piping,…
seamar, acta orion, ship managementNewsShip management contract Acta Orion
March 5, 2015

Ship management contract Acta Orion

Ship management contract Acta Orion 5 March 2015 | Reading time 5 minutes The operational management of the Acta Orion, the flagship of Acta Marine, will be carried out by…
acta orion, wind vessel, walk to work, csov, cig shipbuildingNewsActa Marine contracted CIG Shipbuilding to build Wind Farm Support Vessel
February 4, 2015

Acta Marine contracted CIG Shipbuilding to build Wind Farm Support Vessel

Acta Marine contracted CIG Shipbuilding to build Wind Farm Support Vessel 5 February 2015 | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Marine contracted CIG Shipbuilding for the design and construction of…

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