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borssele, acta centaurus, acta marine projects, commissioning, construction supportProjectBorssele: Supporting the whole lifecycle of Offshore Wind Farms
July 20, 2020

Borssele: Supporting the whole lifecycle of Offshore Wind Farms

Borssele: Supporting the whole lifecycle of Offshore Wind Farms 20 July 2020  | Reading time 2 minutes This slogan we use from time to time in the media to emphasize…
Merkur, meg 1, acta construction, deme group, acta orion projectProjectMerkur (MEG 1) Offshore Wind Farm Construction Support
April 9, 2018

Merkur (MEG 1) Offshore Wind Farm Construction Support

Merkur (MEG 1) Offshore Wind Farm Construction Support 9 April 2018  |  Reading time 2 minutes The Acta Orion assisted DEME Group subsidiary Tideway with its cable pull-in, testing and…
racebank, uk, acta marine project, acta orion, siemens gamesaProjectActa Orion active in Racebank Offshore UK wind sector
September 20, 2017

Acta Orion active in Racebank Offshore UK wind sector

Acta Orion active in Racebank Offshore UK wind sector 20 September 2017 | Reading time 2 minutes Acta Marine has successfully completed an extensive construction support contract for Siemens Gamesa…
nordsee one, offshore wind farm, acta orion, w2w support, acta marineProjectNordSee One Offshore Wind Farm
March 17, 2017

NordSee One Offshore Wind Farm

NordSee One Offshore Wind Farm 17 March 2017  |  Reading time 2 minutes Acta Marine was contracted to change out the bolts between the monopile (MP) and the transition pieces…
acta orion, gemini, construction support vessel, gemini offshore wind farm, historyProjectActa Orion reveals impressive uptime stats at Gemini offshore wind farm
January 14, 2016

Acta Orion reveals impressive uptime stats at Gemini offshore wind farm

Acta Orion reveals impressive uptime stats at Gemini offshore wind farm 14 January 2016  | Reading time 3 minutes Acta Orion – Acta Marine’s new Construction Support Vessel – has…

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