Acta Orion active in Racebank Offshore UK wind sector
From April 2017 to February 2018 Acta Marine assisted Siemens Gamesa with their scope of work on the Racebank OWF, which included commissioning and testing of the turbines as well as performing O&M (operations and maintenance) duties on the installed and commissioned turbines.
Acta Marine deployed the DPII CSV Acta Orion to provide hotel-like offshore accommodation for 60 Charterers’ personnel, gangway transfer operations for both in people and cargo inside the windfarm, and support services for the CTVs in the field including offshore refueling.
The working conditions at the Racebank offshore wind farm are particularly notable. Located 30 km off the UK east coast, Racebank is in an area characterised by its shallow waters, strong currents and constantly shifting sandbanks. Acta Marine – with its extensive knowledge and proven track record in shallow water projects – was therefore an ideal choice of vessel operator for the contract.
“Racebank has been the most successful project of Siemens Wind Power / Siemens Gamesa to this date on a number of parameters, thanks in large part to the high-performing vessel package, allowing record-breaking commissioning & completion times of WTGs. Never have anyone installed and commissioned WTGs as fast as we have done on Racebank! Acta Marine can be rightfully proud to have played your part in this success”, noted Marine Operations Manager – Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S.
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